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Sunday Service
Our Faith Statement
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Vacation Bible School Registration
Indicates required field
Parent/Guardian's Name
Please provide us the Parent/Guardian's name registering the Child.
Parent/Guardian's Phone Number
Please provide us a good contact number in case of an emergency
Optional Emergency Contact's Name
Optional: Please provide us an Emergency Contact's name allowed to pick up the Child in case of an emergency.
Secondary Phone Number
Optional: Please provide us a secondary contact number in case of an emergency
First Child's Name
Please provide us with the Child's first and last name you are registering.
Select just Completed Grade level:
Preschool (2-4 year olds)
12-17 year olds: Sorry, no group, but welcome to assist!
Please select the age group of the First Child you are registering.
Second Child's Name
Optional: IF you have more than one Child attending, please fill in this information.
Select just Completed Grade level:
Preschool (2-4 year olds)
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
12-17: Sorry, no group, but welcome to assist.
Please select the age group of the Second Child you are registering.
Third Child's Name
Optional: If you have more than two children attending, please fill this information in. If you have more than 3 Children attending, please note their Name and Age Group in the Additional Information box below.
Select just Completed Grade level:
Preschool (2-4 year olds)
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
12-17: Sorry, no group, but welcome to assist.
Please select the age group of the Third Child you are registering.
Days attending, First Child:
All Week (July 25-29)
If the First Child is able to attend all 5 evenings, please select "All Week". If there are evenings they will not be attending, please select the Other and fill in the days they WILL attend.
If Other, please specify:
Days Attending, Second Child:
All Week (July 25-29)
If the Second Child is able to attend all 5 evenings, please select "All Week". If there are evenings they will not be attending, please select the Other and fill in the days they WILL attend.
If Other, please specify:
If the Second Child is able to attend all 5 evenings, please select "All Week". If there are evenings they will not be attending, please select the days they WILL attend.
Days Attending, Third Child:
All Week (July 25-29)
If the Third Child is able to attend all 5 evenings, please select "All Week". If there are evenings they will not be attending, please select the Other and fill in the days they WILL attend.
If Other, please specify:
If the Third Child is able to attend all 5 evenings, please select "All Week". If there are evenings they will not be attending, please select the days they WILL attend.
Any Additional Children:
Please provide us with the Child(ren)'s name and age group(s). If their are unable to attend some evenings, please list the nights they are able to attend.
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Optional: Please provide us with your address
Optional: Please provide us with your Email address.
Additional Information: Please list any medical needs, allergies (food, stings, etc.), or any important information we need to know about your Child/Children. If for more than one child, please specify which Child. If there are not any, please reply "none".
Please list any medical needs, allergies (food, stings, etc.), or any important information we need to know about your Child/Children. If more than one child, please specify which Child. If there are not any, please reply "none".
How did you find out about our VBS?
Advertisement (saw Signs)
Internet Search
Optional: Please select how you heard about our Vacation Bible School. Thank you!
If Other please specify:
Submit Registration